Tuesday, November 2, 2010

I am blessed to be able to call him my brother

           My family moved to Texas and ten years later I saw my brother  Erik again. It was May of 2009 that I got to see him, and I didn’t just see him he also brought his girl friend and his one year old daughter. They mean so much to me he has been someone very important in my life that has thought me about real love towards family. He also proved to me that faith is the last thing you lose, after everything he went through. I didn’t go through his life but I feel like I have went through the experience with him, he is one of the most important persons in my life that I can always trust and count on. He has always done what he thinks is best for the family; Even for me and my little brothers. He changed his way of living when he went to live with us. He told me he stopped doing a lot of things to make sure my little brothers and I would be safe. We lived in a bad place in California it was in the ghetto so of course he would have to fight with others. He would also use drugs and do other stuff he shouldn’t have but he changed for us. I will never be able to stop saying how proud I am of him. He showed me everything: Love, hope, humility, faith, and critical thinking. I am just so proud to have him as a brother and to be able to tell the whole world how proud I always am and will be of him. Since when I was little I have always looked up to him. He has always been my hero. He has not always been close to me because he had to stay in California to help his other sister and brothers but he has always been with me in my heart. He has a two year old daughter named Emalei it will probably sound weird and crazy but I feel like if she were mine too. I just would not be able to live without her, I love her so much and would give anythin for her to be happy. She is my first neice and in November when I go back to California I will meet my nephew. My sister in law will have their baby November 16th and I will get to California on the 20th. I can't wait to meet my new nephew. My family means everything to me!

My older brothers life

I have two younger brothers and two older half-brothers. My two older brothers are not from the same mom. They both had totally different lives. I love them both but I feel a special attachment to one of them. My brother Erik did not have a very good life. They both lived with their moms but Erik’s mom was always gone she used drugs and never took care of them. My brother was always locked up in a room with his other brothers and his one other sister. Their meals where bags of chips and sodas, that is the great meal their mom would give them before she would lock them in the room and get high. Once he got a little older he started going out and being in the streets of California all day. One day my brother went home like any other day but he got home to the surprise of an empty house. He started asking neighbors what had happened. His answer was his mom had been checked up by child services and she got the custody of her children taken away. His sister and his brothers had been taken to a foster home. Erik was also being looked for by the child services to be taken to a foster home too. He decided to hide from them, he did not want to end up in a foster home. He was only twelve and he was in the streets all alone. He decided to go with a friend and stayed with him for a couple of months. Once November came by and he saw family coming over for thanksgiving dinner he decided he didn’t belong in that house. He called his mom and said he was going to turn himself in to the foster home. After he was in foster home for a while we got a call asking if we wanted to take him with us. My dad obviously said yes, but it was not that easy. My dad had to be visiting him and prove that he would take care of him. The foster home was six hours from our house. My dad still went and after two years they let Erik come live with us. After two years of him living with us my dad decided to move to Texas but my brother wanted to stay to take care of his other brothers. He was only fifteen and decided to fight for his family

Saturday, October 23, 2010

people with schizophrenia enter criminal career

There was a Danish study that showed us that twenty-seven percent of those that are later diagnosed with schizophrenia enter the criminal career before the first contact to the psychiatric hospital system. If they are not diagnosed on time they might be almost impossible to be stopped in time before they start committing crimes. The research consists of figuring out whether the first contact to the psychiatric hospital system helped them figure out if the patients had been involved in crimes before they had become schizophrenia patients. Within the project they did research on individuals with a first-episode psychosis. This was done for two years on the same individuals from sixteen different psychiatric hospitals. The information collected was done on basic socio-demographic variables like; employment status, marital status, education and living conditions. They recorded different symptoms, these included delusions, persecutory delusions, jealousy, hallucination, being controlled, or influenced, and other kind of symptoms the patients would show. Some measurements were used like the Premorbid Adjustment Scale (PAS). This would measure the social competence and the extent to which the individual is capable to meet their appropriate expectations before illness on set according to their age and sex. The ratings were based on the interview with the patient, the records from the hospital, and interviews with their family members. In this research their results were that the people without abusive backgrounds and with better occupational status (jobs) and with higher education were the ones that are less likely to have criminal records. It was the same for women and men. What they ended up with is that even if someone is having problems with schizophrenia they will not always go into criminal careers. If they are well educated and have support from their family they can be helped and cured. Also if they are not treated about thirty percent of the people do commit some crimes.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

different point of view: cant always depend on the gov't

            Another great argument is that the government is not responsible for every little thing that goes wrong with us. The government can’t expect to know when something is going to happen to you and be prepared to give you everything you need. The government does try and help everyone out but it is also impossible to get to every single person out there. It is too many of us to know exactly what person is in the biggest need of help at the moment. If the government gives us everything we need it won’t really help us later on. If they help us with everything people will become too dependent on the state and government. One cannot blame government for all of society’s problems that occur; one is also somewhat responsible of what happens with our lives. If we don’t make the right choice then things will start going bad and everyone can go poor out of nowhere. From one day to the next you could of lost everything and be out in the streets. The government does help and does not want to see anyone especially not families living on the streets. The government does help with food stamps to make sure people have food for themselves and their family. They provide medicade to provide good health; they even give us FAFSA to help us pay for college so that everyone can have an equal chance to have a good education. By providing us with an education they want to make sure we have a good future. By us having a good future it will also help the government because someone with a good future will mean they won’t need as much help from the government later on. Everyone will win with having an education; there will be more money left to help other people that are poor. “You cannot help people permanently by doing for them, what they can do for themselves.” This quote is also by Abraham Lincoln. It helps us understand everyone poor and not poor, everyone has to do everything they can to get higher in life and to survive. No one can be expecting to have everything done for them in life. No one will be holding your hand through your entire life and get your through everything safely. You have to get everything done on your own for you and your family until they are also old enough and capable of going through their own life’s alone. A lot of people believe that only the government can solve the problems of poverty. That is not true! There are other ways to get through life not just expecting someone to get you through your problem at all times.

government should help the poor

Should government help the poor or should we let private charity (civil society) help the poor? Everyone will have a different opinion on this. Some will think the government is responsible for everything and need to fix it. Others think society should help more and give some back of what they receive.
Why should regular civil society have to give more money to help the poor? Everyone already has to pay taxes on every little thing possible. The government tries to take as much money from us as possible. We even get phone calls asking for donations for police and other random donations that they expect us to give. People work very hard to get what they have and can’t afford to receive little phone calls asking for money or see someone on the street and be expected to give them money. Even if it’s just a dollar for every poor person, it would still be impossible for us to give them money or we would end up as one of the poor ones too. If the person was born in the U.S they are American Citizens and should be able to get as much help as possible from the government if they actually need it. The government is not expected to help them get everything in life and forever but we do expect to have a roof over us and a plate of food for our families. No one can be denied the basics in life. Everyone needs somewhere to live, something to eat, something to dress in, somewhere to go when they get sick (good doctors), and somewhere to get an education. If the government wants the U.S to continue strong they need to help everyone not just a certain number of persons. Everyone needs to be equal. As we see in the article by Michael Tanner the government wants to put a five year limit to the people receiving help from welfare. But nothing guarantees that the person and their family will be more stable in five years. Five years may seem long but for some families it is not long enough to have earned money to have their own home. The government needs to make sure everyone has good health and a stable home and job in order to limit the help they will be receiving from the government.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Puerto Vallarta

Puerto Vallarta, one of the most beautiful places I have ever been at. I went to the beach in Mexico it's about six hours from my town called Valle De Guadalupe. I went to this beach two times. The first time I went to Puerto Vallarta was with some friends. We had so much fun and the hotel was really nice, the rooms were great with a huge window that lead to the beach. From my room I would wake up with the sun shining through the windows. I would get up and look out the window and see all the beautiful palm trees a huge pool outside and of course the beach with the sun over it. Everything was great their, even the food. They had a fancy restaurant with all of this great food, everything tasted so good and the best thing that it was outside near the beach. We would be having breakfast looking at the beach and hearing all kind of noises that were so peacful. Just hearing the water and the little birds was so peaceful. We loved that beach and the hotel so much that the following year we decided to go again. Well the second time I went with all of my family. It was my grandparents 50th anniversary so we had a huge party at El Valle then the entire family went to the beach. All of my dads brothers and sisters and their children. It was the best vacation ever. It was seventeen grandchildren, my dads three sisters with their husbands and my dads two brothers and their wives and of course the most important ones my grandparents. It was about thirty-three of my family members at the same beach, same hotel. It couldnt have been better. When we tried taking the picture of the whole family we had a lot of trouble trying to get all thirty-three of us at the same place and same time. Some would be in the room relaxing, some in the ocean, in the swimming pool, at the restaurant, the store, so many places that we had to be looking to find all of the famil. Finally after we finally managed to get the whole family together then we had to all stay still and manage to fit all in one spot to take the picture. It was just so many great experiences with the family, that I will never forget.

Valle De Guadalupe Jalisco, Mexico

I was born in California I had a lot of my family in California. My dads brothers and a sister and my moms brothers. I was happy in california playing with my little cousins and with my two older half brothers. When I turned six all of that changed. My dad came to Texas because of his work. My dad is a truck driver and he use to move wine to different stores. His company decided to send him to Texas to bring wine to HEB about ten years ago. While my dad was here he decided to visit his aunt, one of his mom's sisters. He decided to visit them and went to their house and their happened to be a small house for sale in front of his aunts house. My dad called my mom and told her to start packing because we were moving to Texas. I was only six years old so I don't remember too much and I was to young to say I didn't want to move to Texas. We ended up buying that house in front of my aunts house and lived there three years then we moved to a bigger house and lived there for four years. Now we live in Cibolo out of the city. It's more calm no neighbors to bother you, you can do what ever you want and not bother anyone. I never knew why we moved to Texas all of a sudden, I was young but I still knew I had cousins at California and two older brothers that I miss so much. Now my dad tells us we moved here so that we can go visit our family in Mexico more often. When we lived in California it was a really long drive to our town called Valle De Guadalupe it's in Mexico and it took us about twentyfour hours to get their by car. Now that we live here in Texas it's still a long drive but not as much as it was from California. Now we can wake up at five in the morning and be at El Valle De Guadalupe by six in the afternoon. Now we only take about fourteen hours to get their instead of twentyfour. I have always traveled to Mexico to our little town almost every vacation that we would get at school. I have been going to El Valle since I can remember. I love California because my older brothers are their but im not sure why I just love being at Mexico. It's so different over there, there is so much more freedom, different customs and beliefs from the ones from the United States. I was born in California but everytime someone asks me where im from I tend to say Jalisco, Mexico then they think im illegal and ask me how long I have been here. I am an American Citizen born in California but im not sure why without thinking about it I always say im from Jalisco, Mexico. I just love going to Mexico so much, even the air feels different too me. If I could I would probably be over their right now but I can't do that to my parents. They want me to finish my career first and thats what I intend to do. After my career then im not sure where I will end up at.

Sunday, October 3, 2010


I decided to come to Texas Lutheran University so I would not be far from my family. Until now I really enjoy being here at this school everyone is so friendly including the teachers. Everyone helps us with anything that we need, but im not so sure I will stay here all four years. As much as I like this school and being here with my parents and two younger brothers, well I have another two older brothers that I am really far from right now. At points I get so frustrated that I cant see them and cant enjoy spending time with them. Also one of my older brothers has a two year old girl and is going to have a boy in November. I love them so much and hate being so far from them. I have my family here but i miss them and they are all the way in California. I am going to miss two days of school in November because my nephew is going to be born, I am going to be so glad to see him but it will not be the same. I will only be with them a week and then have to come back to regular life in Texas just from school to my work. I am not enjoying this very much right now, well at least not when I think about my other brothers at California and I wish I could be with them. I cant make them move over here because they have lived in California all their life and they have everything over there. I think my brother that has his own family already might be a little easier to convince then my oldest brother. But if i still dont convince my brothers to come over here and live closer to us, well I dont think I will manage staying here another four years to finish college. I went to California this summer and when I was driving around with my brother and niece I saw a sign that said "California Lutheran University" I am thinking I would be able to transfer their and it will basically be the same as Texas Lutheran University but I still have to find out everything a little better. I also have to see if my scholarships would follow with me to California Lutheran University if I transfer. Family is something really important to me so I cant be far from them I have a big decission to make but only time will let me know what to do.

Air Force Life

On Friday October the first I missed school for the first time, well first time I missed college classes. I thought I would make it back at least for my last class but it was too late. Now I am probably going to be behind in my five classes I missed in one day, but it was all worth it. I had been to graduations but just high school graduations. But this Friday I had the honor and opportunity to go an Air Force graduation. This Air Force graduation was a great experience for me, something I will never forget. I learned a lot from just a few hours of being at the Lackland Air Force Base here in Texas. They have great opportunities in the Air Force but they also make them work really hard for it. I had a tour through the base and I saw some of the other persons that were training it did not look easy at all. While we were in a car with air condition all comfortable sitting down on our way to where we sit for the graduation, all the guys and girls that were graduating were marching the whole way I am pretty sure it was a couple of miles. I also know after all they had already been through in the training, walking to their ceremony was not anything big to them. They get yelled at for almost no reason, if they accidentally look at their trainer and the trainer thinks they looked at them a wrong way they were punished. I would not be able to stand someone yelling so close to my face; I don’t understand how they can go through all of this without saying something back. They have to really set their mind to what they want in order to be able to actually finish through the first 3 months of training to graduate from this and then continue another four years of this. Their rooms well they are just a rectangle room with fifty other beds, they wake them up at four in the morning by yelling at them. Once they are waken up they have five minutes to get ready and have their beds done with no wrinkles at all. Everything has to be done perfect so they wont get in trouble and yelled at and some other punishments that they have for them. They don’t have much time for anything. They say the food was actually good but they only have about three minutes to eat, they can eat all they want but they are only given three minutes. Three minutes to eat is not much time at all its not enough to eat hardly anything. But after everything they are put through hopefully it will all be worth it.

Friday, September 24, 2010

The "Dream Act"

I understand we can’t help everyone around us but I also believe we shouldn’t be cruel to them. If we can all survive in this country together then let’s help each other out and not try and harm everyone around us. Everyone should have similar rights no matter how they got here or how they are here, we are all humans and no one is perfect we all deserve a chance to prove ourselves to the world. Im trying my best to get through four years of college at Texas Lutheran University to try and change something in this world for the benefit of others. I was seeing the newspaper and saw the law "dream act" that was not passed. It kind of made me upset because that was a big opportunity that a lot of people were looking forward too. The law just needed a few more votes so it would of passed and helped a lot of people. If the law would of passed then a lot of students; immigrants that studied here and graduated from highschool in the United States of America would be able to be legal in the United States. If this law would of passed there would of been a lot of people with better futures. This people would of continued going to college and they would have had a better life, better opportunities in life. There families would of been so proud of them and they would of been better off. Everyone would have been benefited from this because the United States needs more educated persons. If the people get educated we will become smarter and have better incomes, the United States would be better off making more money with educated people. If the people don't study then there are just more possibilities of higher crime rates. Without an education peoploe dont have rights, they don't get good jobs. Without education some people can't even find jobs. If someone doesn't have a job then how will they feed and provide for everything their families need? Some young ones even decide they have no other choice but to steal to help their family out. Some other ones decide to kidnap to get some kind of money. There will be more gangs when people have no jobs, no school to go to, and nothing to do they end up in the streets just looking for more trouble. If someone is just in the streets all day they will end up just finding drugs, alcohol, fights, gangs, all this bad things to get involved in. All this happens because they dont have a good education or any education at all. Everything I just mentioned can be prevented, well it could of been prevented with the "dream act" that was not passed. I think their is still a chance someone with higher power will still realize this and help the "dream act" or a similar law will be passed. I also want to help with something later on in life regarding to some of this things.

Families separated

We have another suggestion to build a bigger barrier between the Mexico and United States border. I believe it is just a big waste of money for everyone over here. We have a lot of other bigger problems in the United States that can be fixed with that money that they want to spend on a fence that is not going to prevent anything. First of all they want to make it a few feet high any one can get over that little fence, and what workers will be building that fence? Most likely the Mexicans will be the ones paid to make to build the fence that’s meant for them not to cross over to the United States. In the article they say it’s to “taper transportation of illegal drugs manufactured in Latin America and illegal immigration.” In a way yes it is good that they are thinking about helping stop the drugs but a fence is not going to prevent drugs. Drugs are everywhere they can still provide them in the United States.  The new fence won’t help at all it will “destroy animal habitat prevent animals from reaching water, disturb animal migration patterns, and otherwise damage the environment.” Like said in the Mexico-United States barrier article, it’s just going to damage in a lot of different ways. But even after all of the damages in the article they tell us that “Americans favored building a fence along the U.S border with Mexico, with 68 percent in favor and 21 percent against.”
What I believe is the worst part, is knowing people get payed to deport someone. If someone calls to give information about an illegal immigrant they get payed that is just the worst its humiliating to know this kind of things exist. I just can’t believe someone would call and get someone else deported to get just a couple of dollars, and knowing they will most likely be destroying a family. The families are separated; people get deported and leave their family on their own. If the parents are illegal but the children are legal then the children stay in the United States but the parents get deported. The children are lucky if they have other family members that can take care of them otherwise they are left behind alone. The children get sent to foster homes with strangers and get separated from their other siblings. None of this sounds like it helps the United States, we have families that are separated and children living on their own. Who ends up taking care of these children if they have no other family? The United States government will spend even more money having to raise these children that are all alone. No one ends up happy the children are sad as well as the parents and the government is spending more money on this lonely children. No one is and no one will be winning with this cruelty.

Friday, September 17, 2010

my opinion on some immigration laws

Not only are immigrants not permitted to have a job but they are also mistreated and with that new Arizona law it’s a discrimination against every person that looks Hispanic not just the illegal immigrants. In Arizona they passed the new law allowing the police to stop any person that looks Hispanic and forcing them to show them their visa or passport or something proving they are legally in the United States. I believe it’s just harassing people, no one should have the right to stop you just because of how you look. Not only should they not stop you but then put you in the spot of having to prove you are legal. If someone doesn’t have some kind of proof that they are legal they can be taken until they prove it. Not everyone is randomly going to be walking around with their passport or whatever papers they need to prove they are legal. If they carry those kinds of documents and they get their papers stolen what is going to happen until they can get new copies. They would be back to not having any kind of proof and people can’t stay locked up just because of a new law. How are they going to go out and work to provide for their family? The Arizona law is just addressed to Hispanics that is another part of the law that is not fair. Illegal immigrants are not just Hispanics there are a lot of different races not just illegal Hispanics. If there is a law that’s passed and it’s not fair well at least let’s make it even against all races not just against one specific race.  I believe that is just discrimination. Immigration is something that has been happening for ever. There have always been laws about immigration but they are always making new ones, new ones that are not always fair according to some people. I believe some of the immigration laws are something fair but some are just ridiculous. I believe they are not fair once the laws start separating families and hurting innocent people, especially innocent children that don’t even have an idea of what is going on around them. Unfair laws like this are the things that have helped me make my choice of becoming an immigration lawyer i believe everyone should have equal rights or at least fair laws that help them have rights.


As I was looking online looking for articles for my essay on new immigration laws there was a title that caught my attention it said “Illegal immigration is a crime” I believe that if immigrants are crossing the border illegally it isn’t just some game for them. Immigrants cross the border risking their life, because crossing the border isn’t something easy, it’s very dangerous.  They cross the border for a reason, some do it for their family to come to the U.S and find some kind of job to send money to their loved ones they had to leave behind. They come thinking they will earn money to feed their family or even cure them from any illness, to get enough money for medicines or to operate their loved ones. Immigrants risk so much by crossing the border illegally to help their family and people just put them all as criminals and say it’s a crime to come illegally. Is it a crime to try and save your children’s life? Immigrants get here seeking for a job and they get here and to their surprise theirs new laws. Immigrants can’t get jobs, if the employer provides jobs to an illegal immigrant he gets fined and his whole business can get closed down. No one wants to risk having their business shut down and then having the same problems as immigrants to get money to feed their family. It’s just not fair to everyone. We pass the law saying no jobs for illegal immigrants but if you think about it who are the ones you see out in the streets doing all the difficult jobs, all the dirty jobs that no one else wants to do or be seen doing. Everyone that is here legally wants a job inside a building with air conditioning, but who are the ones outside making those buildings in the heat or freezing temperatures?  I believe if they are real criminals actually affecting everyone around them, then they should be deported but if they are in the United States doing no harm for anyone just working and helping around them then they shouldn’t be harassed and treated like big criminals. Immigrants should also have some kind of rights at least be respected like every human being in the United States.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Liberal Arts

In our Freshmen Experience class we have to read booklet called the "The Earthly Use of a Liberal Education" it helps us undrstand what a career in liberal arts would be. It is probably better to choose to major in liberal arts that way you wont be tied down just to one career, one path. If you choose liberal arts that gives you the opportunity to choose anything you decide when you  are really sure of what you want for your career and not just choose some career right now just because you are not sure. A career in liberal arts is something that helps you choose your path. It’s not something that you dislike because it helps you decide and think for yourself, and having new ideas. Liberal arts is something that takes you to a point where you love to learn and not think it’s a difficult thing in life that you just have to get through. Like Giamatti’s definition of “live to learn” you have to go through things in life to learn from your mistakes and learn what you want to do with your life. You have to live everything you can’t just let someone tell you what they think about something because no one is the same and people will like and dislike different things you have to live it yourself. If you don’t live it yourself you it will affect the quality of your life because you will never know what it was like and you won’t find out if it was right for you. Giamatti explains that knowledge and ideas is seeks for others and “you cannot wish for others less than you wish for yourself”. A liberal arts education can be translated into economic success because it will be something you enjoy and there for it won’t be felt like a difficult job but it will be just something else in life that you enjoy. Enjoying it will help you do better in it and want to actually do it and it will become successful for your economy. When hiring someone with a liberal arts background you will imagine they know what they want for their future and they will enjoy doing their job the right way and helping your business as well. You just have to choose the right thing, the right path so you can enjoy everything you do, and not be something you are forced to do to survive.

unlocking the possibilities

Texas Lutheran University is different from any other place it’s a unique great place to attend because Texas Lutheran University is about knowing, doing, and becoming. Knowing about life and where you want to get to and actually applying and getting to the top of everything that you can accomplish. Doing everything it takes to accomplish your goals without allowing any unimportant excuses get in your path. And becoming something important in life, something that will get you very far in this world and getting to be what you desire in life. Now to accomplish this you will need to put a lot effort in everything you do and every step you take in your new beginning. Have faith in everything you do, be determined Nothing can get in your way as long as you set your mind to it, have knowledge and usually the support of your family and friends at all times. And most important making the right choice in everything you do. All of this will help you unlock the possibilities to your future goals you have chosen in life. Everyone will always have a different path to choose from you just have to make the right choice and choose the right path. By choosing Texas Lutheran University all of us have already choosen a correct path to start off with. But there are still many other paths that we have to choose that will lead us either for the best or worst for each of us. At Texas Lutheran University we are on our own we dont have our parents anymore to be pushing us around everyone has to do everything for themselves and on their own. For most of us Texas Lutheran University is a completly different thing it's a different environment, we have to get use to our new lives and to the new rules from Texas Lutheran University. We as the students have to start unlocking the possibilities for our self. We have to open new doors for us, doors that will take us to bigger places, we have to grow and open new opportunities that will help us gain power, become someone in  life. We have to prove to everyone that we can become someone in life and Texas Lutheran will help us accomplish this by gaining their knowledge.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Random drug testing on doctors

Lucian Leape MD is a public health public health professor at Harvard. The professor wants to subject doctors in America to some random and periodic drug tests. The professor is trying to help the patients by identifying those physicians who are impaired. Dr. Leape says "We have the responshibility to identify impaired doctors and bring them into treatment. And to protect patients in the process". There is a general surgeon named Jeffrey Parks who thinks the opposite of Lucian Leape and he does not believe it is the correct to put doctors through random drug tests. Dr. Jeffrey does believe they should not have impaired doctors working with patients but he does not think it is fair to do random drug test. He gives us examples to consider like a doctor going on vacation with his family or going to parties and drinking or smoking, things happen and they are not while they are working so it shouldnt really matter. He does not think its fair they decide to do this once and someone shows up the next day telling them they are forced to take a drug test that they will not pass because of a one night thing. He believes they should have the right to do what they want with their personl life and free time as long as they are not harming anyone. Dr. Jeffrey thinks that if a doctor is impaired it will b noticed by every1one else without making everyone take random drug tests. What will happen to those doctors that decide to party and come back to fail the drug test will they be getting their license taken away. It wont be fair to loose their job and mostly their entire life just because they decided to have a little fun while not at work. I also think like Dr. Jeffrey I believe that not just as a doctor but in any profession they should be able to decide what they want to do in their free time and not get themselves in a situation where they can loose everything they  have worked their entire life for. It wont be fair to loose years of studying their career, loosing their job and not being able to support their own family just because of something they decided to do one night that they were on vacation or just had the day off. Everyone should have the right to decide what to do with their life.

Thursday, September 2, 2010


Almost two weeks finished of college, it hasnt been to easy. TLU is completly different from what I was use to at my high school. I have been getting so much work with five classes a day and an extra class on tuesday. It is really hard to keep up and not get the classes mixed up. My breaks are really short in between classes so I dont have much time to relax after each class. The good thing is i finish sooner with small breaks so I can go home relax for a little bit and then get back to finshing all my work for my classes. But I really like TLU it's great because it's a small community that everyone would like. Being a small school has made it so much easier first of all because it wont be too easy to get lost compared to a bigger school. I have friends going to Texas State and UTSA they tell me they cant even find a parking space. It takes them up to thirty minutes just to find somewhere to park. I get to school and find a lot of places to choose where to park, I even get one with a tree that gives my truck shade so it wont get too hot. At bigger schools they get lost and its more difficult to make good friends. At TLU you actually get to meet mainly everyone and wont feel out of place. I am so glad I decided to come to TLU and experience something different from what other schools have. At TLU everyone can ask any questions they have and get help, everyone is always friendly even if they don't know you very much. They even decide to help us if we are falling behind in our classes or just need help. I had never even really been to Seguin I had always stayed in San Antonio or Cibolo but as soon as I heard their was a university so close to my house I started looking at what opportunities I had here around me and TLU was the only that just seemed exactly right for me. I came to this school not knowing anyone but I don't regret it. It has been challenging but I just have to set my mind to it and I know I will get everything done. I am also the first one from my family to attend college so everyone is really happy and proud of me so that is also something that will help me get everything done at TLU without having to leave my house and family.