Saturday, September 11, 2010

Liberal Arts

In our Freshmen Experience class we have to read booklet called the "The Earthly Use of a Liberal Education" it helps us undrstand what a career in liberal arts would be. It is probably better to choose to major in liberal arts that way you wont be tied down just to one career, one path. If you choose liberal arts that gives you the opportunity to choose anything you decide when you  are really sure of what you want for your career and not just choose some career right now just because you are not sure. A career in liberal arts is something that helps you choose your path. It’s not something that you dislike because it helps you decide and think for yourself, and having new ideas. Liberal arts is something that takes you to a point where you love to learn and not think it’s a difficult thing in life that you just have to get through. Like Giamatti’s definition of “live to learn” you have to go through things in life to learn from your mistakes and learn what you want to do with your life. You have to live everything you can’t just let someone tell you what they think about something because no one is the same and people will like and dislike different things you have to live it yourself. If you don’t live it yourself you it will affect the quality of your life because you will never know what it was like and you won’t find out if it was right for you. Giamatti explains that knowledge and ideas is seeks for others and “you cannot wish for others less than you wish for yourself”. A liberal arts education can be translated into economic success because it will be something you enjoy and there for it won’t be felt like a difficult job but it will be just something else in life that you enjoy. Enjoying it will help you do better in it and want to actually do it and it will become successful for your economy. When hiring someone with a liberal arts background you will imagine they know what they want for their future and they will enjoy doing their job the right way and helping your business as well. You just have to choose the right thing, the right path so you can enjoy everything you do, and not be something you are forced to do to survive.

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