Sunday, October 3, 2010


I decided to come to Texas Lutheran University so I would not be far from my family. Until now I really enjoy being here at this school everyone is so friendly including the teachers. Everyone helps us with anything that we need, but im not so sure I will stay here all four years. As much as I like this school and being here with my parents and two younger brothers, well I have another two older brothers that I am really far from right now. At points I get so frustrated that I cant see them and cant enjoy spending time with them. Also one of my older brothers has a two year old girl and is going to have a boy in November. I love them so much and hate being so far from them. I have my family here but i miss them and they are all the way in California. I am going to miss two days of school in November because my nephew is going to be born, I am going to be so glad to see him but it will not be the same. I will only be with them a week and then have to come back to regular life in Texas just from school to my work. I am not enjoying this very much right now, well at least not when I think about my other brothers at California and I wish I could be with them. I cant make them move over here because they have lived in California all their life and they have everything over there. I think my brother that has his own family already might be a little easier to convince then my oldest brother. But if i still dont convince my brothers to come over here and live closer to us, well I dont think I will manage staying here another four years to finish college. I went to California this summer and when I was driving around with my brother and niece I saw a sign that said "California Lutheran University" I am thinking I would be able to transfer their and it will basically be the same as Texas Lutheran University but I still have to find out everything a little better. I also have to see if my scholarships would follow with me to California Lutheran University if I transfer. Family is something really important to me so I cant be far from them I have a big decission to make but only time will let me know what to do.

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