Saturday, September 11, 2010

unlocking the possibilities

Texas Lutheran University is different from any other place it’s a unique great place to attend because Texas Lutheran University is about knowing, doing, and becoming. Knowing about life and where you want to get to and actually applying and getting to the top of everything that you can accomplish. Doing everything it takes to accomplish your goals without allowing any unimportant excuses get in your path. And becoming something important in life, something that will get you very far in this world and getting to be what you desire in life. Now to accomplish this you will need to put a lot effort in everything you do and every step you take in your new beginning. Have faith in everything you do, be determined Nothing can get in your way as long as you set your mind to it, have knowledge and usually the support of your family and friends at all times. And most important making the right choice in everything you do. All of this will help you unlock the possibilities to your future goals you have chosen in life. Everyone will always have a different path to choose from you just have to make the right choice and choose the right path. By choosing Texas Lutheran University all of us have already choosen a correct path to start off with. But there are still many other paths that we have to choose that will lead us either for the best or worst for each of us. At Texas Lutheran University we are on our own we dont have our parents anymore to be pushing us around everyone has to do everything for themselves and on their own. For most of us Texas Lutheran University is a completly different thing it's a different environment, we have to get use to our new lives and to the new rules from Texas Lutheran University. We as the students have to start unlocking the possibilities for our self. We have to open new doors for us, doors that will take us to bigger places, we have to grow and open new opportunities that will help us gain power, become someone in  life. We have to prove to everyone that we can become someone in life and Texas Lutheran will help us accomplish this by gaining their knowledge.

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