Friday, September 24, 2010

The "Dream Act"

I understand we can’t help everyone around us but I also believe we shouldn’t be cruel to them. If we can all survive in this country together then let’s help each other out and not try and harm everyone around us. Everyone should have similar rights no matter how they got here or how they are here, we are all humans and no one is perfect we all deserve a chance to prove ourselves to the world. Im trying my best to get through four years of college at Texas Lutheran University to try and change something in this world for the benefit of others. I was seeing the newspaper and saw the law "dream act" that was not passed. It kind of made me upset because that was a big opportunity that a lot of people were looking forward too. The law just needed a few more votes so it would of passed and helped a lot of people. If the law would of passed then a lot of students; immigrants that studied here and graduated from highschool in the United States of America would be able to be legal in the United States. If this law would of passed there would of been a lot of people with better futures. This people would of continued going to college and they would have had a better life, better opportunities in life. There families would of been so proud of them and they would of been better off. Everyone would have been benefited from this because the United States needs more educated persons. If the people get educated we will become smarter and have better incomes, the United States would be better off making more money with educated people. If the people don't study then there are just more possibilities of higher crime rates. Without an education peoploe dont have rights, they don't get good jobs. Without education some people can't even find jobs. If someone doesn't have a job then how will they feed and provide for everything their families need? Some young ones even decide they have no other choice but to steal to help their family out. Some other ones decide to kidnap to get some kind of money. There will be more gangs when people have no jobs, no school to go to, and nothing to do they end up in the streets just looking for more trouble. If someone is just in the streets all day they will end up just finding drugs, alcohol, fights, gangs, all this bad things to get involved in. All this happens because they dont have a good education or any education at all. Everything I just mentioned can be prevented, well it could of been prevented with the "dream act" that was not passed. I think their is still a chance someone with higher power will still realize this and help the "dream act" or a similar law will be passed. I also want to help with something later on in life regarding to some of this things.

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