Friday, September 17, 2010


As I was looking online looking for articles for my essay on new immigration laws there was a title that caught my attention it said “Illegal immigration is a crime” I believe that if immigrants are crossing the border illegally it isn’t just some game for them. Immigrants cross the border risking their life, because crossing the border isn’t something easy, it’s very dangerous.  They cross the border for a reason, some do it for their family to come to the U.S and find some kind of job to send money to their loved ones they had to leave behind. They come thinking they will earn money to feed their family or even cure them from any illness, to get enough money for medicines or to operate their loved ones. Immigrants risk so much by crossing the border illegally to help their family and people just put them all as criminals and say it’s a crime to come illegally. Is it a crime to try and save your children’s life? Immigrants get here seeking for a job and they get here and to their surprise theirs new laws. Immigrants can’t get jobs, if the employer provides jobs to an illegal immigrant he gets fined and his whole business can get closed down. No one wants to risk having their business shut down and then having the same problems as immigrants to get money to feed their family. It’s just not fair to everyone. We pass the law saying no jobs for illegal immigrants but if you think about it who are the ones you see out in the streets doing all the difficult jobs, all the dirty jobs that no one else wants to do or be seen doing. Everyone that is here legally wants a job inside a building with air conditioning, but who are the ones outside making those buildings in the heat or freezing temperatures?  I believe if they are real criminals actually affecting everyone around them, then they should be deported but if they are in the United States doing no harm for anyone just working and helping around them then they shouldn’t be harassed and treated like big criminals. Immigrants should also have some kind of rights at least be respected like every human being in the United States.

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